Tommy Robinson is currently serving time in a high-security Category B prison under harsh and isolating conditions, despite being classified as a Category D prisoner. This classification entitles him to greater rights, privileges, and access to more humane treatment, including placement in an open prison. Yet, the government continues to deny him these rights, leaving him isolated and in conditions that are a blatant violation of his human rights.
Med et pænt støttebidrag fra Danmarksfonden af 5. maj 1995 havde Trykkefrihedsselskabet æren af at kunne invitere Tommy Robinson til Folkemødet på Bornholm 2024, hvor han fortalte om sine igangværende projekter og den ulige kamp, han blandt andet kæmper mod det engelske retsvæsen, som tilsyneladende dækker over de britiske politikeres bevidste fordrejning af sandheden, ikke mindst i forbindelse med dokumentarfilmen 'SIL£NC£D', som havde sin Verdenspremiere på Christiansborg i april 2023.
On March 19th 2024, Dr. Nicolaus Fest - former Deputy Editor of German newspaper BILD am Sonntag and now member of The European Parliament for Alternative für Deutschland - visited The Free Press Society in Copenhagen and gave his views on the state of freedom of speech in Germany.
On November 13th 2023, The Free Press Society had invited American historian, author and columnist Raymond Ibrahim - who has an Egyptian/Coptic Christian family background - to tell about his ongoing studies of the persecution of Christians, especially in Muslim countries. This is the first part of the event with Raymond Ibrahim presenting his findings.
Tommy Robinson har - igen - lavet et fascinerende interview med et interessant og selvstændigt tænkende menneske, som har betalt en høj personlig pris for brugen af sin ytringsfrihed til islamkritik: Trykkefrihedsselskabets tidligere formand, Lars Hedegaard, fortæller her om sin marxistiske fortid, om hvordan han blev en kritisk iagttager af Europas islamisering og om det muslimske mordforsøg på ham. Hedegaard fortæller også om, hvordan det danske retssystem straffede - ikke attentatmanden - men Lars Hedegaard for at have nævnt attentatmanden ved navn!
After premiering his documentary 'SIL£NC£D' on April 1st, Sappho Award winner 2019 Tommy Robinson returned to Denmark to participate in another meeting in Copenhagen and dropped by to give this follow-up interview to The Free Press Society.
Se Tommy Robinsons glimrende interview med Morten Messerschmidt lørdag 1. april 2023 ved Fællessalen på Christiansborg.
.MiceMedia has published Tommy Robinson's latest documentary "Silenced" about the abuse of power by the English authorities and attempts to cover up a scandal. Watch it here:
On April 1st 2023, Tommy Robinson was invited by The Free Press Society to show his new documentary "Silenced" at a meeting in Christiansborg Palace in Copenhagen, Denmark. The day before the meeting, he gave this interview to Deputy Chairman of The Free Press Society Michael Pihl.