LH: Er du enig med Vijay Kumar, når han tager til orde for, at vi "systematisk [skal] udvise alle fortalere for bogstavtro islam fra de vestlige lande"? En af grundene til, at jeg spørger, er, at det ikke er en politik, som min organisation, Trykkefrihedsselskabet, kan gå ind for.
IW: "Nej, Vijay Kumar udtrykker det helt forkert. Han bliver nødt til at forklare sig meget bedre. Folk skal have ret til at udtrykke ethvert synspunkt de ønsker, så længe de ikke opildner til konkret og øjeblikkelig voldsanvendelse. Jihadister i Vesten har denne ret præcis som revolutionære kommunister og nazister."
"Men jeg mener, at Kumar giver et stort bidrag til vores politiske diskurs ved at pege på, at den islamiske ideologi har konsekvenser for os, der lever i Vesten. Tænk på Fort Hood massakren, der kun var mulig, fordi de militære myndigheder nægtede at tage morderens åbenlyse jihadisme alvorligt."
"Det glæder mig, at selv ledende politikere, som f.eks. Newt Gingrich, der muligvis stiller op som republikansk præsidentkandidat, åbent har udpeget islamismen som vores fjende."
LH: Vi er altså enige om, at kun handlinger og voldstrusler bør straffes, og ikke meninger?
IW: "Absolut."
We should punish actions, not opinions
LH: Do you agree with Vijay Kumar when he demands that we should "systematically remove all advocates of Literal Islam’s Universal Jihad from every nation of the Western world"? One of the reasons, I'm asking you is that this is not a policy that my organization, The Free Press Society, would condone.
IW: "No, Vijay Kumar puts that point all wrong. He will have to explain his stance a lot better. People should have the right to express any viewpoint they like so long as they do not incite concrete and immediate violence. Jihadists in the West have that right just like revolutionary Communists and Nazis do."
"I do think, though, that Kumar makes a great contribution to our political discourse by pointing out that the Islamic ideology has consequences for us living in the West. Think of the Fort Hood massacre, which was only possible because the military authorities refused to take the killer's openly Jihadist position seriously."
"I'm happy to note that even leading politicians such as Newt Gingrich, who may run as the Republican candidate for president, has come out and identified Islamism as our enemy."
LH: So we agree that only actions and threats of violence should be punished and not opinions?
IW: "Absolutely."