It's a surreal experience these days to see everybody from quite ordinary and seemingly decent people, to sports stars and politicians kneeling in shame over their whiteness and the inheritance of racism and oppression their skin color automatically gets imposed upon them. And it doesn’t become any less surreal when Black Lives Matter is being kneeled for: an organization that has completely taken on the role of spokespeople for all blacks at all times, and which more or less explicitly supports the violence and destruction that is being perpetrated on the United States these weeks. But not only that - BLM is openly partnering with the left-wing terrorist thugs Antifa who infiltrate what might otherwise be peaceful demonstrations as a cover to engage in violent riots and attacks against police and goverment.
Countless are the videos where predominantly black people go to attack on businesses as they ravage and loot - and even attack the store owners – after they have looted their stores – with two by fours. They are horrible pictures to witness, and it is deeply shameful to see people sink so low that they abandon all decency and humanity, going crazy in a rush of looting and blood-lust, ruining the income base and life work of innocent people.
Nevertheless, it is de facto to this appalling behavior (and racism) that US senators, mayors and even police chiefs are now increasingly kneeling. It is political correctness to the point of absurdity - yes, worse than that: it is an expression of total capitulation and a knee-jerk reaction to the dissolution of the law and order that is the condition of the rule of law. A capitulation, which in many places is followed politically by promises to cut drastically in police budgets.
On the home front, BLM Denmark made its mark by practicing racial segregation at their demonstration in front of Christiansborg the other day, and banned white participants from using the erect, clenched fist as a symbol of black power, just as whites were “forbidden” to speak to the press.
In the United States, the BLM has taken an entire segment of the population and made them responsible for racism - and also for the violent and non-parliamentary methods that have gradually become their signature, and which they justify by their expressions of hundreds of years of resentment over white oppression.
And that justification is recognized to an incredible extent: Thus, the otherwise age-weakened Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, somehow summoned up the energy to speak at George Floyd's funeral on Tuesday, blaming just about everything on the white suppressor in general and the police's racist power specifically: "Why do too many black Americans wake up every morning knowing they can lose their lives just by living it?" Biden asked, filled with pathos - and also completely erroneously, as it is now clear that George Floyd just didn't "just live his life": he was deeply criminalized, and was a man who, in every way, lived his life on the edge and who was a great danger to his surroundings. Not that he deserved to die, as he did, but it is actually outrageous to lump George Floyd in with all the law-abiding blacks who care for their work and make an active contribution to society.
The absurd act of taking a knee for BLM and their attack on the rule of law is a blow to all decent people – not least the black part of the population: they must suffer the indignity of not being measured by the same parameters as everyone else because apparently, the same demands of decency cannot be asked of them - solely because of their complexion.
It is at one and the same time the ultimate pinnacle, and total culmination of the collapse of identity-politics and political correctness. I predict it is only a matter of time before the intoxication ebbs and the white culture-flagellants of all races wake up with mighty hangovers. Therefore, let us remember who they are, so that they are held accountable, and not allowed to repeat scandalous acts like these in the future.