I'll show you what they said, and tell you why it matters. MORE: http://www.therebel.media/political_dissidents_europeans_fighting_muslim_march
Ezra Levant rapporterer fra København
Den canadiske journalist og forfatter, Ezra Levant, der for to år siden modtog Sappho-prisen har lavet en reportage fra bl.a. København. Se ham interviewe de aktivister og skribenter, der bekæmper islamiseringen. Heriblandt TFS-næstformand Aia Fog.
Islam in Scandinavia
Islam in the West is a culture that asserts itself on the expense of a godless, emasculated and decadent civilization. Islam is the nemesis/bane/curse of the West.
Scandinavia is probably the first region in the world that will succumb to Islam and the explanation is, that men have been totally extinguished here and replaced by women of both sexes. Scandinavia is run and ruled by women, and the USA have paid tribute to Denmark as the leading proponent of the decline by appointing a complimentary homosexual ambassador to this country of prophetic, Shakespearian rottenness. Why didn't the US send this ambassador and his dog to Saudi Arabia, do you think?
And how come that "Trykkefrihedsselskabet" with its access to theologians from "Tidehverv", inspired by Kierkegaard and Barth, never try to explain the predicament of Denmark and the West along the lines of Gods dealings with Israel in the Old Testament and analog to it:
"In his anger against Israel the LORD gave them into the hands of raiders who plundered them. He sold them into the hands of their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist." — ?
Could it be that they/we only want a Christian culture - Kulturprotestantismus - without the biblical God intruding into it?
PS: Ezra Levant avant le déluge.
It is certainly not difficult to sympathize with Ezra Levant in this videoclip. But who believes for a moment that a luxury rebel-cruise with him and other celebrities is a cogent and appropriate response to the threat we face from a steady growing Islamification of the West?
He is more likely promoting and selling a more sophisticated version of another Hollywood-movie of Titanic proportions.
Fransk professor ved at åbne sine øjne
Endnu en fransk professor - denne gang fra Ecole normale supérieure! - er ved at vågne lidt op:
>Le succès du slogan «Islamisation de la radicalité» et le refus des chercheurs, par peur d’être soupçonnés d’islamophobie, d’analyser la spécificité du jihadisme confortent la doxa médiatico-politicienne dans son ignorance de la réalité sociale et son arrogance intellectuelle<
Han hedder Gilles Kepel.
>Successen for sloganet "islamisering af radikaliteten" og forskernes afvisning af at analysere jihadismens specificitet af frygt for at blive mistænkt for islamofobi bestyrker de medie-politiske rigtige meninger i deres uvidenhed om den sociale realitet og deres intellektuelle arrogance.<
Fra Libération i dag.