"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"

George Orwell

Artikler 2020

Denmark yet again bows its neck to Communist China

It is important that we protest loudly every time we are censored by the tech giants

How militarized and guarded can a civil society be and still be called a democracy?

Aia Fog´s speech at the 2020 Sappho Award to Gunnar Sandelin, Saturday September 19, 2020

Interview med Gunnar Sandelin

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) restricts freedom of expression

Why will the Jewish community not participate in our debate on anti-Semitism in Denmark?

Identity policy is becoming increasingly totalitarian – and now it is affecting their own

the extreme identity politics of today threatens freedom of expression

The surreal spectacle of “taking the knee” for Black Lives Matter

YouTube censorship - But why?

Is Hungary's Corona-law really a greater democratic travesty than the same in other countries?

The Unity Party's Shield and Sword?

It is striking that no Western politician responds when China's government commends itself for its efforts against coronavirus

Tommy Robinson reported for violence by the man who sexually abused his 8-year-old daughter in the water park

Does Free Speech Union give hope for freedom of expression in England - or is it just an elitist project?

Youtube and the Guardian Council - a new intervention in freedom of speech

With the award of the Sappho Award, Tommy Robinson, the Free Press Society is once again positioning itself exactly where we should be

Of course, Tommy Robinson should have the Sappho Award…

The Sappho Award 2019 - Tommy Robinson's speech

Aia Fog's speech at the 2019 Sappho Award to Tommy Robinson, Saturday, January 18, 2020

What have we learned from the Charlie Hebdo massacre?